Dr Gabriella Ak

Clinical Microbiologist, General Pathologist
Chairlady (Infection Prevention and Control Committee)
Port Moresby General Hospital

Dr Gabriella Ak is a Clinical Microbiologists and a general Pathologists currently working at the Port Moresby General Hospital (PMGH) the only tertiary, research, referral hospital in Papua New Guinea (PNG). She has been awarded a Fleming Fund AMR fellowship, UK aid (2019-2022), through the Doherty Institute in Melbourne, Australia. She has been working with the Fleming Fund country grant toward establishing a functional clinical microbiology laboratory at PMGH to perform quality-controlled bench work and provide quality results to the clinicians.

The antibiograms (2019-2021) that she has generated locally have been used to assist in the development of the first National Antibiotic guideline for PNG in 2023.

She is currently the chairlady of the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) committee at PMGH. With support from DFAT- Combat AMR and KICK AMR team, she has established the first in-house alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) production facility in the Western Pacific region.

She is keen in addressing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) issues and have had the opportunity of collaborating with partners and co-facilitating workshops in addressing antimicrobial stewardship (AMS), IPC and Microbiology diagnostics in a few provinces within PNG.

She is also part of the team that is drafting the second National Action Plan (NAP) for AMR (2024-2029) in PNG and she advocate for empowerment and ownership which she feel are important perquisites to the sustainability of diagnosis, treatment, surveillance and prevention of infectious diseases in LMIC’s like PNG.



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National University of Singapore

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